Thursday, May 11, 2023

Hello Again

Hello again. It's been a while. Sorry for not posting in such a long time. My last post was in October 2021, and it was an obituary. Probably not the best way to leave things, but I wanted to let everyone know Wonkyworld's heart still beats.

We have been busy, but I miss blogging. Sometimes it's hard to stay focused long enough to write a big blog post, but I'm going to give it another whirl. And since life has changed, so will the blog.

There will be some quilt news, of course. We are planning an exhibit in Tillamook, Oregon this summer. There will also be posts about other subjects: thrifting, cooking, playing pinball, and whatever else we enjoy. 

Life is an adventure for Linda and I. We love thrifting, discovering fascinating objects, such as the stunning piece of art glass by Rollin Karg (pictured above). We have an Etsy shop, where some of these things are for sale - Vintage Vault PDX is the name of the shop. We also play a fair amount of pinball.

Sometimes when a blog goes inactive for a while, it's because the blogger is done with it. And sometimes it's just difficult to know what else to say, but we still have something to say. Check back with us again soon for more updates, and thanks for reading!

1 comment:

  1. I have missed the blog, but catch you on Facebook and Instagram, which is nothing like a blog. Blogs are "human"
