An interesting quilt popped up the other day, and I just had to have it. The pattern looked like a sun over a mountain, possibly a variation on touching stars, but it just didn't seem familiar. So I posted a picture to Facebook, shared it with the group, "Quilts- Vintage and Antique" and soon learned what it was. People had various ideas about what it was, from pyramids to mountains with suns. Teddy Pruett thought it should be called "Fire on the Mountain" and I laughed - that's a Grateful Dead tune.
Sandra Starley said, "Brackman #847 Modern Peony - Nancy Cabot. Though coloring is closer to 848 Paeony Block- LAC #308 but it doesn't have the triangle." Later, Wilene Smith posted these pictures.
The Peony Block for Patchwork in Farm and Home
(Phelps, Springfield, Mass.), May 15, 1894 |
Ladies' Art Company No. 308, Peony Block, ca. May 1897 |
Nancy Cabot / Chicago Tribune, Modern Peony, April 20, 1935 |
Thank you, Sandra and Wilene, and everyone else who replied. It seems the pattern is closest to the third picture, Nancy Cabot's Modern Peony. The funny thing is, I'd seen the pattern before but didn't recognize it. The combination of colors made it look like a sun over a mountain rather than a peony. Did the maker also see a sun over a mountain?
One exciting little detail was a name inked on one of the back corners. Looked like Fern Polk. Perhaps it was the maker, or maybe the owner. I'll see if I can dig up any more information. On Facebook, I joked about calling this pattern "Rocky Mountain" - it looks more like the Rocky Mountains than any other quilt I've got. So there you have it. The quilt should arrive within the week. I'll have a better idea when it was made once I see it in person, possibly 70s, possibly earlier.
Sandra Starley posted two pattern names, and Wilene Smith posted these pictures. Two of them were pattern names Sandra had mentioned.
Thank you Sandra and Wilene, and everyone else who replied. The funny thing was, I'd seen the pattern before but didn't recognize it because of the way the maker used color. It looked much more like a sun over a mountain than a peony. I wonder if the maker also saw a sun over a mountain?
One more little tidbit- a name inked on one of the back corners. Looked like Fern Polk. Will see if I can dig up more information, and I'm especially looking forward to seeing the quilt in person because I'm still waffling on the date. Could be as early as the 30s or 40s, but could just as easily be 70s. Maybe the name will help us figure it out.
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