Thursday, February 23, 2012

Folky 70s Cheater Fabric

70s cheater fabric, found on eBay
Here's something different- 1970s cheater fabric. I found this piece recently on eBay, roughly four yards of it, and I love the patriotic combination of denim and bandana print. There are tulips, apples, butterflies, and LeMoyne stars.

The fabric also has patches of striped, polka-dotted, and small scale print including several squares of red bandana print. I thought it would be an interesting piece of ephemera to accompany the 70s quilts I've been collecting, but I haven't yet found a quilt made with this fabric.

The fabric reminds me of how young people in the 70s would patch worn out denim jeans with bandana fabric. Those were the good ol' days!


  1. Good old 70's...patching torn jeans with a bandanna on the inside so the tear still showed. We thought we were so cool!

  2. I had a sleeping bag back in the 70's made from very colorful, patchy cheater fabric similar to this. I felt so hip at slumber parties!

  3. OMGosh I love this fabric , very fun fabric and time in my life!
    teenage years. I have started to collect and use cheater cloth fabrics for the back of my little quilts. If your interested in selling a 1/2 yard of it I would love to buy it!

  4. LOL, Sorry Kathie, I need to hang on to it for now.
